Sunday, June 27, 2010

22 HOT Tips To Boost Internet Sales

In this message, I will disclose a list of 22 MUST-DO's to get the ultimate online success. Enjoy!

1: Let people know about your affiliate program. Submit it to
numerous affiliate program directories, announce it in your
e-zine, put it in your sig file, etc.

2: Tell your visitors exactly what you want them to do at your
web site. You may want them to order products, subscribe to your
e-zine, etc.

3: Focus your site on your visitor's desires, not on yourself.
They want to know what's in it for them, not that you won an
award for your business.

4: Try not to get caught up in loading your site with
technological gizmos and gadgets. Concentrate on your words,
they will do the actual selling.

5: Create your own ad copy; don't copy the basic run of the mill
ad copy. Don't be afraid of trying something different to
increase your sales.

6: Change you ads regularly. Your prospects can get bored seeing
the same ad all the time. They usually see the ad 7 times before
they actually buy.

7: Give people a deadline to order. Tell people if they order by
Jun 28, 2007 they will get a discount or free bonuses. This will
create an urgency so they don't put off buying.

8: Offer people a money back guarantee. The longer the guarantee
the more effective it will be. It could be a 30 day, 60 day, 1
year, or lifetime guarantee. You just need to be able to
stick by it!

9: Have some business cards printed up with your web site
address and other business information. Pass them out to people
you meet or that might be interested in your business.

10: Have some flyers printed out with your web site address and
other business information. Keep a few with you to hang on
bulletin boards you see.

11: **Write your ad copy like you're talking directly to your
visitors. Use the words "you", "your", and "you're" a lot in
your ad copy.**

12: Create a free e-book directory on a specific topic at your
web site. People will visit your web site to read the free
e-books and may see your product ad.

13: Place colorful graphs, pie charts and other charts in your
ad copy. Use charts that will grab a persons eye and also
support your product claims.

14: Highlight buying incentives like free bonuses and money back
guarantees. You could place them in boxes or in front of a
different colored background.

15: Use short sentences or sentence fragments in the body of
your ad copy. A short burst of words can catch a skimmers eye
with one quick glance.

16: Highlight all the important keywords and phrases in your ad
copy. You could use bolding, underlining and color to highlight
the important words.

17: Use a headline that catches the attention of your target
audience. One of the most effective ways is to use a free offer
as your headline.

18: Use attention grabbing adjectives to describe your product.
For example sizzling, incredible, high power, ultramodern,
killer, eye popping, etc. 35. Survey the people who visit your
web site. You could post a survey or questionnaire on your web
site. Ask visitors what kind of products they would like to see
on the market.

19: You could create a new market for your existing product. For
example, if you're selling plastic bottles to a pop company, you
could turn around and sell those bottles to a fruit drink

21: Offer a free trial or sample of your product. This increases
the perceived value because people think you're confident in your
product, so it must be good.

22: Package your product with a lot of bonuses. This increases
the perceived value because people feel they are getting more
for their money.

Click here to sign up for those free bonuses today!

- - - - - - TODAY'S INSTANT MONEY TIP - - - - - - -
Remember: the most UN-DISCUSSED way to earn money
with your business is to
invest money in it; and getting targeted traffic is definitely the next step to success!

Click here to learn how to get Targeted Traffic NOW:

Friday, June 25, 2010

One of the Fastest and Easiest Ways to Make Money Online

Before I start, there are a few quick facts about this money making method that I wanted to point out...
Work involved = Very little
Time it takes = Not much
Experience needed = Almost none
Cost to get started = Minimal
Income Potential = Average

Also, this is no "secret" or anything like that; there are plenty of people doing it. But I figured I would post it here for those of you who don't know about it.

It is certainly one of the quickest and easiest ways to make money online that I have ever found. And anyone can do it as long as you have a little money to start with and a basic knowledge of domains and websites.

Ok, let's get to it...

To start you'll need to buy at least one domain with a minimum of PR2 but the higher the PR, the better. You can find lots of cheap domains for sale that will work perfectly for this by browsing through the Digitalpoint forums domain sales section.

It's not very difficult to find PR3 domains for less than $50 and sometimes you'll even find PR4 domains for around that price. In fact, just today I bought a valid PR3 domain that is over three years old for only $39 and it had existing content with it! And another for only $36 that is highly brandable and will be super easy to sell links on.

Once you have the domain all you have to do is write up a little content for it to put up as a website. You can even use PLR content or just find a few articles in a directory and rewrite them to be completely original. It's easiest if you just put all the content up as one long home page and have a single page site, but you can also start a blog or multiple page site on the domain if you want. If you buy a generic domain your content can be about pretty much anything you want. If the domain already has an implied niche then just put up content about that. It doesn't really matter too much because you can usually work in content related to almost anything that someone wants to buy a link for, and there are plenty of people wanting links for all sorts of different niches.

Don't forget to drive traffic to the site. Remember...traffic=money!

Now, for the part that you will actually make money from...

You will be selling links on this new "website" you just built. This is pretty easy to do because there are a TON of people out there looking for links to their sites. There are also plenty of places where you can advertise that you are selling links. Three of the most popular are the "link sales" section of the digitalpoint forum, the "advertising space for sale" section of the sitepoint marketplace, and the "warrior links" section of the warrior forum.

Make sure you take a look at several ads on each of the sites to get an idea of the protocol for posting them before you put yours up. They are all pretty easy and basically the same on each site but you want to make sure you are doing it right. I would tell you how in this post but it's already long enough and it will probably be easier for you to see for yourself at each individual marketplace anyway.

Also, in case you are wondering, I don't recommend using websites you already have with good PageRank for this unless you don't really care about them or don't want them anymore. The reason is mainly because they could be penalized for selling links on them. Plus you don't want a bunch of random links on your precious sites.

Pretty much all you need to do this is a cheap hosting service that allows unlimited domains on one account. I recommend Hostgator if you don't already have a host.

WARNING: Be careful when buying domains because some people will fake the PR, which is very easy to do, so you have to make sure the PR is valid before buying the domain. Here are some ways to check it out...

* One good way to check if it's valid or not is to use the Google "info" search. Just type into Google to check it. If the site you are checking comes up in the results the PR is probably valid. However, if a different site comes up then it's almost certainly fake PR being redirected from that site, so don't buy it!

* Another simple way is to check how many backlinks the site has using Yahoo site explorer. Just type into Yahoo and see how many inlinks it has. If it has none (or very few) then it shouldn't have a high pagerank. This isn't the best way to check though because a site can have a PR3 or even higher without a lot of backlinks if the ones it does have are strong.

* You can also use a site like to check it for you. I recommend doing all of these before purchasing just to be sure.

You might wonder why you shouldn't just develop the domains you buy into a money making website since they already have a jumpstart with existing PR and backlinks, instead of selling links? There's nothing wrong with doing that and it's certainly an option. I actually do both depending on the domain and my intentions for buying it from the beginning. But if you want to quickly and easily make money from the domain then links sales are most likely your best option.

Let's say you buy a domain for $50 and it takes you two hours to do all the stuff written above, and I doubt it will even take you that long. If you sell 10 links on the site for $25 each, you will make $200 profit after you subtract the cost of the domain. Do this with 100 domains and you just make yourself a cool $20,000 for very little work or time invested.

That's basically all there is to it. Now get out there and make some money!

Update: There are some people who aren't quite sure what all of this means so I am giving a little more information on the resources, abbreviations, etc...

Digitalpoint Domains - Great place to buy domains with existing PR at low prices.

Digitalpoint Link Sales - Very popular place to sell links.
Sitepoint Advertising Space for Sale - Great place to sell links.
Warrior Links - Good place to sell links.

Hostgator - Popular, reliable, and cheap webhost. Highly recommended.

GoDaddy and NameCheap and Name - All popular domain registrars.

PLR Content = Private Label Rights = Can rewrite, edit, change or pretty much do anything you want and claim yourself as the author even though you didn't actually write it in the first place.

PR = PageRank = A number between 0 and 10 that Google assigns a webpage based largely on link popularity of the site. PR10 is the highest but most sites don't ever get anywhere close to that. A PR5 is considered pretty darn good.

Backlinks = Links coming from another website back to your own, also called inlinks or inbound links.

I realize that not everyone is at the same level of internet marketing experience so this might be very basic for some and seem like rocket science to others. I want to make sure everyone understands it so please post any questions you have and I will reply to them as soon as possible. Trust me, this is easy to do even for a beginner. After you do it once and get your initial questions out of the way you'll see.

Also, not every way to make money online is suitable for every person. You may find that you love doing this or you may find that you hate it. You might make a lot of money doing it or you might make none. I just wanted to throw it out there as an option in case there are people here who are interested in giving it a try.

Please leave comments and let me know how this works for you.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

4 Ways To Boost Your Website Sales Today!

Today's goal is to share with you some tips about building and managing your customer list. Remember: if you have a website with a customer list, you MUST email your customers to raise your income.

The most common way to do it is by writing newsletters. Newsletters can be a pain to write, but guarantee a very good return on investment. Thanks to my experience, I put
together four simple MUST FOLLOW rules that can turn a poor newsletter marketing into a great success...Enjoy!

1: Broadcast Monthly - As a rule I send out at least one message per month just to keep communication lines open. You don't want to constantly be barraging your customers with sales every email so in my monthly broadcasts I usually inform my customers of new resources that have become available at my site. I often upload free articles that I source from copyright-free places or websites that I partner with. If you can, try and create unique resources of real value - writing articles yourself is an option if you have knowledge about the industry your business operates in. I inform my customers about the new resources and end with a small reminder about our services - 10% sales pitch, 90% good content.

2: Offer Discounts - I have a list of people that have yet to become customers, my prospects list. For this list I have an automatic series of responses sent out, first starting weekly, then turning monthly that offers them enticements to join. Once a prospect has been subscribed to my list for a long time I have an automatic email go out offering them a discount to try my business out. I even cut the price to the point where I don't make a profit just to get the prospect to trial the service. I know if they like it they will use it again so often the act of converting them into a customer is the final roadblock that a discount offer removes.

3: Encourage Referrals - One of my favorite techniques is to offer incentives for my present customers to bring in their family and friends. The easiest customers to acquire are from
current customers recommending your business. Word of mouth is always the best marketing method so why not encourage it as much as you can? Each current customer is potentially the best salesperson you could ever find and sometimes all it takes is an offer, like a credit for services/discount voucher or even just an email suggesting they tell friends about your business. Happy customers are happy to spread the word, they just sometimes need a little nudge to do it.
4: Market Research - Are you considering launching a new product?
Maybe you want to know what your clients think of your customer service? How about gathering statistics about your customer demographics to help with future marketing efforts?

All these questions can be answered by sending a survey to your list.
Perhaps you can offer incentives to fill out a survey such as discount vouchers, two-for-one deals or free samples. However you do it, your current list is a fantastic store of data just waiting to be accessed. Services like give you the tools to create online surveys easily, which can be linked from or included in one of your broadcast emails to your

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If you still don't have a customer list, here is a quick
step-by-step guide to build one fast:

1: Create a page on your website to collect visitors'
information, such as their name and email address. Tell them
that if they sign-up for your newsletter you'll give them a free
sample of your product, or some other deal.
**I usually give them something that they would otherwise need to buy in order to be successful.**

2: Don't buy targeted traffic! You can drive targeted traffic to your campaign
and redirect the traffic to the page you built to collect visitors' information.
How sweet is that?

3: That's it! People will sign-up for your newsletter and will
receive emails from you. Send them monthly newsletters following
the four rules above and they will, sooner or later, buy your

Click here to get a targeted traffic to your site NOW!:

Monday, June 21, 2010

Free Tips On Affiliate Marketing

Today I will share with you an interesting and profitable way
to make money on the internet with very little effort: affiliate

My definition of Affiliate Marketing: is a popular method of promoting web businesses in which you are rewarded for every visitor, subscriber and customer provided through your efforts, much like the practice of paying finder's-fees for the introduction of new clients to a business. Compensation may be made based on a certain value for each visit (Pay per click), registrant (Pay per lead), or a commission for each customer or sale (Pay per Sale), or any combination of the three, or you could get targeted traffic for free...whadday think about that!?

First, let's take a look at the overall concept of Affiliate Marketing. The process starts when a company has a successful product to offer. The company will build a web site and offer
that product to the consumer. The next hurdle the company has to overcome is getting web traffic to their site. After all, they can have a kick-butt product but if nobody knows about it, they won't make a dime. This is where you, the affiliate marketer comes into play.

When you sign-up for any affiliate program, you will receive a special link that keeps track of the visitors you refer as an affiliate. Now, your main goal is to redirect as much targeted
traffic as you can so you can raise your profits. There are two ways for this: you will have to build a web site that generates traffic and then "refer" part of that traffic to a partner company.

The most common way to earn money by referring people to a website as an affiliate is the Cost Per Lead (CPL) commission structure. A CPL program is advantageous because
you simply need to convince your traffic to provide their information to your partner company. In other words, a cost per lead affiliate program will pay for each person or "lead" that
is referred to your partner's web site. A Lead is any personal information that a visitor submits to a company for the purpose of allowing the company to solicit their product or services.

Here is a rough example: Let's say that a company offering a"make money with affiliate marketing e-book" makes an average of $50.00 profit from each sale made on their web site. They know, based off of web site statistics and sales, that one in four customers will buy their product or "convert" as it is commonly referred to.

They can then offer an affiliate a certain amount of money (we will use $20.00 for our example) for each person they refer to their web site that generates a lead. So, if an affiliate gets 100 people each month to click on an ad and fill in their information on the company's web site they would make $2000.00.

The company would have made $5,000 from the referrals and it will have only cost them the $2000.00. Again, both the company and the affiliate succeed in with this method because the company has extra sales it would not have had without the home based affiliate business and the affiliate gets paid for a product they do not manage or own. Now, I don't know about you but as for myself, I don't mind having an extra $2000.00 each month from a website that maintains itself.

Imagine having 10 web sites that all do the same thing for different affiliate programs.
If you want to learn how to generate FREE targeted web traffic-click here today!

Stay tuned for more tips on how you can make more easy money online.