Saturday, September 3, 2011

When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on!

Hi guys...I just wanted to check in on you to see how things have been going so far. I come in contact with TONS of people that say they are passed the point of frustration with Internet Marketing.

I'm not the guy to blow smoke up your butt and tell you that there's a rainbow and a pot-o-gold waiting for you.

I'm the guy telling you the truth, and the truth is that for some people, Internet Marketing is a fantastic way to make a comfortable full time living. Notice I said for SOME people.

Now, the reason I say for some people is because we have ALL been sold on the idea that if market on the Internet we'll all be rich beyond our wildest dreams if we just agree to purchase some software for only $29.99.

We have all bough that software, some of us have purchased MANY different programs over the years that have not gotten us to where we want to be financially.

All I can say to the folks that have purchased the software and all the money making programs that feel they have been put through too much to go quit now!

I don't say that to be mean or anything, I just want to let people that making money is not for everyone.

It's true! Not everyone is equipped to make money in their lives. My understanding is that for there to be light, there also needs to be darkness. For there to be happiness there must also be sadness. Basically, for something good to exist - there must also be something bad to exist.

So for those of us that know in our heart of hearts that we were destined to do well on this Earth, just stay the course and you'll do fine.

I'm not a millionaire by any stretch of the imagination...not even close! What I can tell you is that I'm much better off than I was 5 years ago before getting into Internet Marketing.

Every year I got better and better, and as a result I made more and more money. Granted, I started out making about $20 a month - which I thought was awesome!

Now I make enough per month to pay 2 car notes and contribute to a retirement fund. Not too bad if you ask me, especially since I wasn't formally trained in Internet Marketing. I did have the sense to know that I needed to educate myself on the best way to get it done.

My advice is to educate yourselves starting yesterday! There are books that have TONS of useful information you could apply today to get the ball rolling.

Below you'll find some of my suggestions:

Remember....when you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Earn Easy Money Using FaceBook!!

That's right folks, I have just signed up and already have commissions coming in just from sharing the opportunity with all my FaceBook friends.

Finally I can justify having over 700 friends in my list. These people I have kept as "friends" are now REALLY starting to pay off.

Curious yet?

The program is called...

BIZOPPERS - THE Business Social Network!



Get more people to see your business.

Grab more eyeballs for your biz opp than any other marketing strategy.

Meet & Add over 150,000+ BizOp enthusiasts that speak business.

No limit on how many friends you can add.

Ignite your business to “critical mass” growth-rates - quickly & easily.

The only place allows you to PPC Advertising with free Banner Ad Impressions

and more...

Click Here For More Info...Make Money With ALMOST ZERO Effort!

As always, feel free to leave comments here. Thanks!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Income For Life Secrets By Josh Shafran - Limited Offer!

Have you guys heard of a prominent Internet Marketing coach named Josh Shafran?

In the even you haven't, here's some background for ya'

Josh Shafran is is considered by many to be a marketing genius! Once word got out people kept him plenty busy developing the marketing strategies for their products and paying him top dollars to do it.

Josh is a big advocate of automation, and he puts a great deal of emphasis on showing you how to develop an automatic profit-generation system, so that once your product is up and selling, it continues to generate a nice income for you long after the initial launch.

Josh is a strong believer in developing a "business" rather than a job or one-shot profit, and it shows through in this entire course.
Everything is well- organized and follows a logical sequence. This is a great course for someone new to this idea because it takes you by the hand from day one step one.

He's offering a truly useful product that will take your marketing efforts to the nest level. I won't say that EVERYONE will benefit from the training, but the majority of us will.

Especially those of us not at least making a consistent $100 a day online.

The reason I got involved is because I still have not cracked the $100 a day mark. I hover around the $35 - $55 a day mark.

The key to online success is consistency. Continue to do productive things and you can almost rest assured that you WILL prevail.

I received an email with the invitation to subscribe to Josh's deal. Because I was familiar with Josh, I decided to give it a try.

So far, I have to say that the program is really good. It gives some awesome tools to help you realize why YOU PERSONALLY have yet to reach your goal.

Very basically, Josh breaks down the fact that many/most Internet money making programs assume that you, being the prospect, already have a semi-solid Internet Marketing background.

Please understand, just because you have invested hundreds of dollars on money making programs - it does not mean you have a semi-solid background.

Josh shed some light on the fact that we have learn to crawl and be proficient at crawling before attempting to walk...right? If you haven't mastered the art of crawling, how successful do you think you will be at running?

The way that Josh brings it all together, I know for me personally, I was able to close some of the gaps in my Internet Marketing strategy.

If you have an interest in learning how you can finally get a grip on why you have not been as successful as you think you should be, I urge you to take a look at Josh's program.

The best thing about Josh's program is that while you're going through it, you can re-visit some of the programs that didn't work for you in the past.

So all those other programs that you just knew was a money maker that failed you - re-visit them. That's what I'm doing.

I'm finally able to make some of what I considered to be some of my personal failures slowly turn into something that just might be positive.

For more information check out this video now! I warn you, it's a little longer than I would have liked, but in the end I think it was well worth it.

Please leave comments on your thoughts on this product.

To your success,


"Tell me, I will forget...
Show me, I will remember...
Involve me, I will understand."

- Ancient Chinese Proverb

Thursday, May 26, 2011

37 Days To Clean Credit

Hi guys,

I'm back with another goodie for ya. Normally I post things that help or show you how to make money,but today I figured I'd give you something to help you SAVE some money!

Everyone at this point is clear on how your credit score can make your life easier, or a living hell.

There are things on our credit report that don't belong there, and chances are, we don't even know about.

Basically, we need to empower ourselves to take advantage of information that is available to us. I mean, if there's something we can do to improve our lives, why not take action and do it...right?

My credit wasn't horrible, but it could always be better.

I decided to try this credit repair course that taught me how to remove bad information from my credit report, remove late payments and charge off's etc - all of which effects your credit score negatively.


I raised my credit score over 40 points in about a month and a half.

I urge you, if you have credit challenges, and need some help, but don't have the hundreds or even thousands of dollars these credit repair outfits require you to spend in order to get help - check out

I assure you, YOU WILL NOT BE SORRY!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Have You Heard Of The Customer Advantage Yet?

Hey Guys...I'm baaaaaaaaack with another awesome offer to share.

Do you believe in FREE money? You know I do.

Do you think you could make money if you could share something that people would definitely benefit from?

How about sharing something that's FREE??

What if you could join a company that offers coupons for all different types of goods/services
like haircuts, gym memberships, car repairs etc.?

Click Here To Get Started For FREE Today...Before It's Too Late!

Would you like to know what the heck I'm talking about?

It's called The Customer Advantage; the newest FREE thing making money- and it's so easy to promote!

Despite what you might read on other sites, chances are you will NOT make your millions with just promoting this one company.

You'll probably read that you can make $10k a month, again highly unlikely. In order to make that kind of money, you'll need to be an internet marketer with a HUGE following.

The truth is that when you enroll with a free opportunity like The Customer Advantage, you can make money, but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't expect to get rich overnight.

With that being said, you can make some pretty easy money by just sharing The Customer Advantage with friends and family - not to mention anyone you might know that likes to save money; and I'm guessing that's darn near EVERYBODY ON EARTH...right?

To make The Customer Advantage work for you, I recommend you set a goal that's reasonable one.

So what would I consider a reasonable goal?

I would consider striving to make enough money to cover your car payment, or even half your rent.

With The Customer Advantage, I would say that's a reasonable goal.

Check out the video below that explains how
The Customer Advantage System works...

Actually, you'll need to click here for more information. The Customer Advantage

Once you guys join, leave your comments/ questions here if you need any help promoting.

Best Regards,

C Delano