You might ask what has made my weekend so incredible...
Simply because I was able to get 40 SIGN-UPS!!!
I think I should say that not all of them have completed their trial offers yet, but they have at least seen the value of the program enough to join under me as a sponsor.
You might ask yourself, "How does he get this done?"
The truth is I use some low-cost/free methods that have proven to be extremely effective called Bum Marketing.
In a nutshell, here’s how Bum Marketing works:
1. You find an untapped, low competition niche.
2. Then you find an affiliate program with a complimentary product, which pays a decent commission.
3. Then you research and find low competition keywords that you can write articles about.
4. Next you write a series of articles based on the low competition keyword or keyword phrase.
5. Then you submit your article to popular article directors so they get picked up by Google and the other major search engines.
6. And finally you earn affiliate commissions, get opt-in sign-ups, make money from selling your own products or earn Ad Sense revenue.
If you follow the simple steps, you’re practically guaranteed to earn money online – all it takes is time.
One of the main goals of Bum Marketing is to get your articles onto the first page in Google as well as Yahoo, MSN, AOL and others. The easiest way to accomplish this is by writing keyword rich articles for niches and keywords that aren’t overpopulated. A placement on Google’s first page will assure that your article will be one of the first seen whenever someone searches for the keyword or niche your article is targeting.
Some of the Main Benefits of Bum Marketing Include
• Earn money online in less then a week – practically guaranteed
• It doesn’t need to cost any money
• It’s a fool proof way to earn affiliate commissions
• Builds name recognition and branding
• You don’t need a website, email list or even a reputation
• It’s extremely low risk – all you have to lose is time
An incredible benefit of signing up under me as your sponsor is you get this e-book for FREE to help you promote your business.
To sign up today visit MY NEW AND IMPROVED WEBSITE: www.chrislikes2share.com
Until next time...
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