Paralysis by Analysis is a "deadly" disease that inflicts thousands of would be entrepreneurs. (It is deadly in the sense that your dreams and business ideas die without ever having a chance to be fulfilled.)
It means that you keep procrastinating and putting off getting started with your business idea.
If you have Paralysis by Analysis, you can look forward to a life of dreaming and wanting, but never ever HAVING. Never doing. Never achieving any of your closely guarded hopes and dreams. You will be sentenced to a life of "wishing and hoping."
The last time I checked, you can't make deposits of wishes and hopes in your bank account. I know this because I have tried...repeatedly!
Here are some of the symptoms of Paralysis-by-Analysis:
- Symptom #1: You haven't gotten started with your business yet because you are waiting for any of the following things...the economy to improve...your next paycheck...when you have more 'free time'...
- Symptom #2: Your computer's hard drive is filled up with ebooks, courses, videos, on how to get rich quick programs.
- Symptom #3: You spend hours upon hours researching new business opportunities looking for 'the perfect' one
- Symptom #4: You don't have a business yet because you are scared that your idea will be a failure.
- Symptom #5: You find yourself starting to believe in the doubts of your family and friends - even though deep down you know you can be a success.
If any or all of these symptoms sound familiar to you, then you surely have Paralysis by Analysis.
The bad news is that this disease has a deadly grip which very few ever escape.
Unless you do something to counteract its paralyzing effect, it will grab you by the neck and pull you into a deep dark black hole you'll never climb out of.
In other words, it will keep you from ever owning a website business. It will keep you from ever becoming self-employed. It will stop you from achieving the hopes and dreams you aspire to.
The good news is that your website or business idea doesn't have to be perfect to achieve unbelievable success - far from it.
In fact, just having something that is "GOOD" is good enough.
Bill Gates, the wealthiest man in America, as you may already know, typically releases software riddled with bugs and imperfections.Have you heard of Microsoft Vista??
I have run dozens of affiliate websites which were far from perfect.
In fact, I used five dollar web templates to build some of my most successful and lucrative sites. These little five dollar sites generate hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars each year.
If you are waiting to get started because you want the "perfect" program, trust me that the path to success is far shorter if you get started with a money making program that will simply get you started making money. You can always leverage what you earn from the smaller programs to parlay into something bigger.
Here is your opportunity today! Today is your lucky day! This is an INCREDIBLE opportunity to make a QUICK $150 WITH NO OUT OF POCKET COSTS!
For more information..
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