In this message, I will disclose a list of 22 MUST-DO's to get the ultimate online success. Enjoy!
1: Let people know about your affiliate program. Submit it to
numerous affiliate program directories, announce it in your
e-zine, put it in your sig file, etc.
2: Tell your visitors exactly what you want them to do at your
web site. You may want them to order products, subscribe to your
e-zine, etc.
3: Focus your site on your visitor's desires, not on yourself.
They want to know what's in it for them, not that you won an
award for your business.
4: Try not to get caught up in loading your site with
technological gizmos and gadgets. Concentrate on your words,
they will do the actual selling.
5: Create your own ad copy; don't copy the basic run of the mill
ad copy. Don't be afraid of trying something different to
increase your sales.
6: Change you ads regularly. Your prospects can get bored seeing
the same ad all the time. They usually see the ad 7 times before
they actually buy.
7: Give people a deadline to order. Tell people if they order by
Jun 28, 2007 they will get a discount or free bonuses. This will
create an urgency so they don't put off buying.
8: Offer people a money back guarantee. The longer the guarantee
the more effective it will be. It could be a 30 day, 60 day, 1
year, or lifetime guarantee. You just need to be able to
stick by it!
9: Have some business cards printed up with your web site
address and other business information. Pass them out to people
you meet or that might be interested in your business.
10: Have some flyers printed out with your web site address and
other business information. Keep a few with you to hang on
bulletin boards you see.
11: **Write your ad copy like you're talking directly to your
visitors. Use the words "you", "your", and "you're" a lot in
your ad copy.**
12: Create a free e-book directory on a specific topic at your
web site. People will visit your web site to read the free
e-books and may see your product ad.
13: Place colorful graphs, pie charts and other charts in your
ad copy. Use charts that will grab a persons eye and also
support your product claims.
14: Highlight buying incentives like free bonuses and money back
guarantees. You could place them in boxes or in front of a
different colored background.
15: Use short sentences or sentence fragments in the body of
your ad copy. A short burst of words can catch a skimmers eye
with one quick glance.
16: Highlight all the important keywords and phrases in your ad
copy. You could use bolding, underlining and color to highlight
the important words.
17: Use a headline that catches the attention of your target
audience. One of the most effective ways is to use a free offer
as your headline.
18: Use attention grabbing adjectives to describe your product.
For example sizzling, incredible, high power, ultramodern,
killer, eye popping, etc. 35. Survey the people who visit your
web site. You could post a survey or questionnaire on your web
site. Ask visitors what kind of products they would like to see
on the market.
19: You could create a new market for your existing product. For
example, if you're selling plastic bottles to a pop company, you
could turn around and sell those bottles to a fruit drink
21: Offer a free trial or sample of your product. This increases
the perceived value because people think you're confident in your
product, so it must be good.
22: Package your product with a lot of bonuses. This increases
the perceived value because people feel they are getting more
for their money.
Click here to sign up for those free bonuses today!
- - - - - - TODAY'S INSTANT MONEY TIP - - - - - - -
Remember: the most UN-DISCUSSED way to earn money
with your business is to invest money in it; and getting targeted traffic is definitely the next step to success!
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