I found another little money making gem for you guys. Do you believe you could get paid to watch YouTube videos?
You might ask why woud ANYONE pay me to watch videos?
The answer is simple. Have you been on YouTube lately? If you have, you'd have noticed that many of the videos have Adsense ads on them.
What does that mean?
It means that the person that posted the video on You Tube with those ads gets paid if people that watch his/her video click on those links, regardless if that click results in a sale.
Not bad, right?
I didn't think so either.
So, not only will you get paid for watching videos, but you can also get paid for refering others to do so.
If you've ever visited this blog before, you know that if I promote anything, it's more than likely FREE!
Bottom line, sign up for free+watch YouTube videos+get some friends to sign up and watch videos=$$$$$
I don't want to disillusion anyone, so please dont think you'll get rich from this because YOU WON'T!
The way I see it, it's NEVER a disadvantage to having a little extra money...is it?
I don't think so either...
Learn the secret to easy cash today! What the heck are you waiting for!?
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